Peaceful Amarnath yatra proves studio rumour mongers wrong: Civil Society

Prominent members of Kashmiri civil society on Tuesday said that peaceful conduct of Amarnath yatra has proved the “studio rumour mongers” wrong.

Senior civil society member Shakeel Qalander said the yatra was unfortunately politicized with an aim to malign Kashmiris. “Yatra did not even need the security.”


Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Hoteliers Club Mushtaq Ahmad Chaya said that despite negative perception and propaganda yatra ended peacefully which is testimony to the fact that Kashmiri people are peace loving and have a special ability of hospitality.

Muzaffar Shah said that the panelists and others who participated in the debates and discussions had spread poison through the news channels and portrayed negative image of Kashmir. “Peaceful conduct of Amarnath Yatra has sent a clear message to the world that people of Kashmir are peace loving,” he added. 

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