Poem | Hit Hard by COVID-19

Men and women; young and old

Rich and poor; black and white


Gasping for air, germ-free

Hit hard by COVID-19

Borris and Conte

Trump and Modi

Khan and Yaseen

Hit hard by COVID-19

Mask or no mask

Taali or thaali

Shama or tasbeeh

Hit hard by COVID-19

Slums and Nizamuddin

Infector and infectee, all cry

How long in quarantine?

Hit hard by COVID-19


Social distancing and hand washing

Choloroquine or vaccine

Hit hard by COVID-19

Some believe it a wrath divine

Some blame Chinese, and

Some blame tablighis

Hit hard by COVID-19

The world will run

No matter, you or me; he or she

But surely with no sheen

Hit hard by COVID-19

Aijaz, how lethal it is?

And, how brutal it is?

Turned a Vet into a poet in a scene

Hit hard by COVID-19

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