PSAJK appeals parents to pay fee

Private Schools Association of Jammu and Kashmir (PSAJK) Friday appealed the parents whose wards are studying in various private educational institutes to pay the school fee as most of the schools were on the verge of closure due to financial crunch.

A statement of PSAJK issued here said that the fee paid by a student was the only source of income for a school and if that income would not come on time then it creates a survival issue for the educational institute.


PSAJK President GhulamNabiVar said, “As of now the physical classes in the schools are closed but every school is trying its best to compensate the loss by way of conducting online classes. Teachers have to do twice as much work to conduct these online classes. When the same teacher can’t be paid on time how can we expect him or her to teach the students? We know that online classes are no match to physical classes but still it provides something to rely on.”

The association said that there were recurrent costs for school but the income was either stagnant or had drastically gone down.

“A number of our schools are on the verge of closure. If the schools get closed in absence of collection of fee, it will destabilise entire education sector. All our progress achieved during the last three decades will be lost,” Var said. “The future of lakhs of students will be in jeopardy and livelihood of more than 60,000 persons will be lost.”

PSAJK said that it was a social issue and the society needs to come forward at this juncture.

Lamenting on the role of the government in saving the educations sector, PSAJK said that there seems to be no roadmap before the government in this regard.

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