Qualified, conscious youth can hardly fall prey to religious clerics” exploitation: Geelani

Reacting to the Governor Satyapal Malik’s statement, Hurriyat Conference (G) chairman Syed Ali Geelani today said the “qualified and conscious youth could hardly fall prey to the exploitation of any religious cleric, priest or political figure.”

“Hypocrisy and arrogance touches new heights when a person, as administrative representative posing as viceroy of Delhi, continues his venomous utterances,” Geelani said in a statement.


“It is surprising and ridiculous that a person from a place thousands miles away, threatens the permanent and legal residents of this land to flee from here,” Geelani said.

He said, “The Governor should at least have a general understanding and basic knowledge that a qualified and conscious youth can hardly fall prey to the exploitation of any religious cleric, a priest or a political figure. Worldly luxuries its glamour can’t convince him to opt for an extreme step.”

“Had the rulers tried to dig a little deep in the situation, without using the prism of ultra nationalism or fascist religious color, they would have come across that fundamental and basic reason for the chaotic scenario. Azadi is not only our dream, but a passion, a purpose and a much cherished destiny, nourished by the blood, honor, life and livelihood of this ill-fated nation and if the Governor finds it hard to get to the mathematics of it, he better unfold the pages of history or enquire from his predecessor —when they themselves were fighting oppression. Their oppressor also threatened them same way as his military might had blinded him as well, but realistic tide of time swept their empire and squeezed them to a small piece of land, encouraging every subjugated nation to fight back,” the statement stated. 

Hurriyat chairman said, “Showing mirror to their own stooges itself testifies that to ensure their forced control, how low rulers had stooped. Like their monsters, these collaborators too lack the genes of honesty, dignity, consciousness and self-esteem. Whenever a trace of wellness is hard to find, when dead are used as a stair to build its empire, when crocodile tears are shed just to gain sympathy—then the words of disgrace too are taken as compliment to be proud of. The Governor should not indulge himself in the Janat discussions our paradise piece of land is turned into a hell by the inhuman and brute policies of Delhi,” he said.

Referring to the “army help” in 2014 floods, Hurriyat chairman said, “Every Kashmiri knows to the core of his heart what help forces rendered to the victims. It was inspirational and dedicated youth who without proper equipment and resources rescued sufferers irrespective of their ethnic and linguistic affiliation,” Geelani said.

He said, “We as a nation can’t be befooled and lured by the lollipop of economic packages, employment or development and if rulers in Delhi and their sub-ordinates here, really care for this land and its habitants, respect the emotions and aspirations, then they should silence roaring guns, open the gates of detention centers and replace the brutality and beastliness with golden and universal principles of humanity, brotherhood and morality to let the suffocating and gasping population of more than 15 million exercise their basic and birth right of a peaceful, dignified and honoured life.”

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