Rapidly melting glaciers

The rapidly melting glaciers in Kashmir is not a good sign on environmental front. Experts have been identifying some of the man made causes leading to retreating of glaciers.

There is a need to focus on these causes and minimise those to save the glaciers from further rapid melting. If it is not done well in time there can be serious problems as far as water availability is concerned.


The agricultural, horticulture and hydro power sectors too will be hit. Kashmir must not witness what several parts of Europe saw last year. The European parts witnessed worst drought in 500 year.

Awareness on large scale must be created in Jammu and Kashmir about the importance of glaciers. This will help in reducing the man made causes of rapid glacier melting and retreating.

If this is not done in time, we may head towards serious consequences on environmental front.

Our future generations must not be deprived of their share and advantage from natural resources. Big mistakes and errors being committed right now to damage the environment, intentionally or unintentionally, must come to an end. It is in the best interests of the present generations and also that of the generations to come.

The concerned government departments and the people must play a responsible role and do everything which is needed for safeguarding the glaciers and saving them from rapid melting.

According to the experts, unprecedented increase in temperature, deforestation, increasing human activity and high levels of pollution are major reasons for retreating of glaciers particularly that of Kolahoi Glacier. Kolahoi, the largest glacier of Kashmir’s Jhelum Basin, is the main source of water for River Jhelum.

Below normal snowfall last winter, high winter temperatures, summer heat waves contributed significantly to high glacier melting that was seen last year. This winter the snowfall was also below normal.

There are surely some steps which need to be taken to save the glaciers from rapid melting. Deforestation must come to an end.

Afforestation must be encouraged. Increasing human activity, which affect the glaciers, must be curtailed. The level of pollution must also come down. While the pollution is widely being discussed these days but significant moves to control it are missing.

There seems a lack of will to do so. Drastic steps need to be taken to put the things in order. Taking the emerging environment related problems, issues and challenges lightly will not serve any purpose but can prove counter productive. Everything possible has to be done to protect the glaciers from rapid melting and retreating.

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