Regional autonomy only way forward: Rana

National Conference provincial president Devender Singh Rana on Sunday reiterated that regional autonomy to the three regions under the overall superintendence of the State government is the only way forward to assuage the political aspirations of the people and address to the political dimensions of Jammu and Kashmir.

“Such a mechanism will provide a sense of politicalempowerment and  end the apprehensions ofdiscrimination among the people”, Rana said while paying tribute to ShaheedShashi Bala and Hoshiar Singh at a function organized by InternationalistDemocratic Platform here this morning.


Rana said regional autonomy together with well-structureddistrict councils will end the sense of deprivation and ensure completeinvolvement of the people in decision making.

He said the doctrine of regional autonomy provides amechanism for empowerment of sub-regions and administrative mechanism atdistrict level to take governance at the grass roots level, on the analogy ofLadakh Autonomous Hill Development Councils. The concept of regional autonomyessentially aims at assuaging political, economic, developmental andpsychological aspirations of the three regions of the State, he said, addingthis will also be a counter to the machinations of dividing Jammu and Kashmiron regional and communal lines.

Rana said that myopic politics, based on hate and mistrust,has caused a huge dent to the time tested unity of the State and the time hascome when  people of different faiths andregions should take a lead in bridging the gap. For this, he called forinter-community and intra state dialogue for promoting better understanding andharmony, saying respecting each other’s’ sentiments is imperative for healthysocietal growth. He said inter-community discourse will help in eschewingmisgivings and strengthening the bonds between various segments of society. “Wemust take a lead and initiate this process at grass roots level by interactingwith each other”, he added.

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