‘Relations with China ‘complex’, Pakistan engages in hostile agenda to vilify India’

New Delhi, Mar 13: India has admitted that its relationship with China is “complex” while criticising Pakistan for continuously sponsoring cross-border terrorism despite New Delhi’s attempts to normalise ties with it.

In its annual report for 2022, the Ministry of External Affairs has been critical of both its neighbouring countries for their efforts to disrupt peace along India’s northern and western borders.


“India’s engagement with China is complex. Chinese attempts to unilaterally alter the status quo along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the Western Sector starting from April-May 2020 have disturbed the peace and tranquility along the LAC. These have been met with an appropriate response from the Indian armed forces,” the report said.

It further stated that “the External Affairs Minister has conveyed to his counterpart that restoration of normalcy will require a restoration of peace and tranquility in the border areas. It was also highlighted that the India-China relationship is best served by observing the three mutuals – mutual respect, mutual sensitivity, and mutual interests. The two sides remain engaged through diplomatic (11 meetings of Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination (WMCC) since June 2020) and military channels (17 meetings of Senior Highest Military Commander (SHMC) since June 2020) to resolve the remaining issues along the LAC”.

On Pakistan, the annual report said that “India desires normal neighbourly relations with Pakistan. India’s consistent position is that issues, if any, between India and Pakistan should be resolved bilaterally and peacefully, in an atmosphere free of terror and violence. The onus is on Pakistan to create such a conducive environment. However, Pakistan continues to sponsor cross-border terrorism against India; restrict normal trade, connectivity, and people-to-people exchanges”.

It also added that Pakistan continues to engage in hostile and fabricated propaganda to vilify India and to divert attention from its domestic political and economic failures. India has completely and unequivocally rejected all actions and statements by Pakistan on matters which are completely internal to India.

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