Release 4% DA, arrears to employees, pensioners : Qayoom Wani

Srinagar, Dec 9: Jammu and Kashmir Civil Society Forum (J&KCSF) has demanded the release of four percent DA in favour of pensioners and government employees due since July 2023.

In a statement Chairman JKCSF Abdul Qayoom Wani urged upon the government that employees and pensioners are always in dire need of money as their sole income depends on their salary, pension and other earned dues.” In this age of dearness it is very difficult for a common man to meet the means of livelihood. Employees work hard everywhere and contribute in the development and progress. Keeping them awaiting for dearness allowances or any other kind of dues is unjustified ,”he said.


Wani hoped that the present chief secretary Atal Dulloo being a dynamic , capable and employees friendly officer will take personal interest in resolving this issue at an earliest besides other issues of pensioners , employes and issues of common people of J&K .

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