Reviews functioning of Education department

The advisor to Governor, Khurshid Ahmad Ganai today chaired a meeting to discuss the functioning of Education department and reviewed the status of implementation of centrally sponsored schemes in the state.

The advisor while chairing the meeting emphasized upon the officers to take measures to improve quality of teaching in our schools so that the quality of learning is also improved.


The meeting was informed that as per census 2016 the dropout rate among primary and upper primary level students were on higher side as compared to the national level, owing to poverty and failure to capitalize scholarships due to complexity in obtaining of income certificates.

“If dropout rate in comparison to national level is high we need to address it at an immediate basis,” the advisor said, and directed the officers to create awareness about education and find what can be done to bring down the dropout rate.

Urging for adapting the latest teaching methods and promoting creativity, the Advisor directed the officers to introduce audio visual tutorials to create knowledge gaining atmosphere in schools.

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