Revision of electoral rolls begins in J&K

The elections authorities have started special summary revision for electoral rolls in Jammu and Kashmir, with 22 January 2019 as last date for publication of final draft electoral rolls at.

According to the Chief Electoral Officer, J&K Election Commission of India has announced revised schedule for special summary revision of electoral rolls with a view to prepare accurate rolls, inclusive of all eligible persons as electors.


As per J&K Representation of Peoples Act, 1957, the officers and staff employed in connection with preparation, revision and correction of electoral rolls shall be deemed to be on deputation to the Election Commission for the period during which they are so employed and such officers and staff during the period be subject to control, superintendence and discipline of the Commission.

This work involves meticulous planning, professional management, close supervision as well as monitoring and discussion with stakeholders including political parties, said an official. Therefore, during the roll revision period the transfer of any officer/official engaged in this exercise shall be avoided, he said.

Accordingly, it has been directed upon all administrative secretaries, divisional commissioners and deputy commissioners to strictly comply with instructions issued by the CEO as well as Election Commission of India for disposal of claims and objections till January 12 and publication of final draft electoral roll on 22 January 2019. 

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