Sacred mission would be taken to its logical end: Yasin Malik

Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Muhammad Yasin Malik on Monday reiterated that sacred “mission of martyrs” would be taken to its logical end.     

Malik presided over a condolence meeting held for late Mir Ahmad Mirpor who died recently in Pakistan administered Kashmir. The meeting was attended by JKLF senior leaders and others, a JKLF spokesman said in a statement.


While recalling the struggle and sacrifices of late Mir Ahmad, who was a close associate of late Muhammad Maqbool Butt, JKLF chairman said that his death has marked the closure of a glorious page of resistance and we pray for his heavenly abode. “Mir Ahmad was part of a group of resistance struggle along with Muhammad Maqbool Butt, Major Amanullah Khan and Aurangzeb. He came to Kashmir in 1966 during which three of them got arrested and Aurangzeb attained martyrdom. He escaped from Srinagar Central Jail along with Maqbool Butt in 1969 and till death remained steadfast in the way of resistance,” Malik said. 

The JKLF spokesman said that during the meeting, struggle and sacrifices of great martyrs, including Ashfaq Majeed Wani, Dr Abdul Ahad Guru, advocate Jalil Indrabi and Syed Shabir Ahmad Sidiqi were also recalled. 

 The spokesman said that in connection with the death anniversary of Jalil Indrabi on Tuesday 27 March, Quran Khawani will be held at JKLF head office and at all other district offices. In connection with the martyrdom anniversary of Ishfaq Majeed Wani and Shabir Ahmad Sidiqi, a condolence meeting will be held at Mazar-I-Shuhada Eid Gah at 10: 00 am on 30 March.

In connection with the death anniversary of Dr Abdul Ahad Guru on 31 March, a blood donation camp would be held at Abi Guzar Srinagar. Hameed blood bank would organize the camp in which JKLF leaders and well wishers would donate blood for the sake of humanity. The blood donation camp will start at 10: 30 am, he said.

Meanwhile, JKLF chairman Muhammad Yasin Malik condoled the demise of Abdul Rashid Taploo of Anchar Soura presently at Nunar Ganderbal. He breathed his last today. 

“JKLF zonal president Noor Muhammad Kalwal, along with district president Ganderbal Bashir Ahmad Boya and Ghulam Muhammad Dar reached Nunar Ganderbal from where corpse of the deceased was brought to Anchar for funeral prayers and burial. Kalwal led his funeral prayers,” the spokesman added.

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