Secretariat Assistants Training Courses conclude at IMPARD

Two Secretariat Assistants Training Courses, one each for Senior Assistants and Junior Assistants, which had commenced at IMPARD campus in Srinagar from February 2021 concluded on Monday.

A statement of IMPARD issued here said that the main objective of the training was to familiarise the trainees with the provisions of J&K Manual of Secretariat Procedures, Civil Services Regulations, Financial Code, Budget Manual, Classification Control and Appeal Rules, J&K Employees Conduct Rules and basic computer skills for e-governance and to enable them to appear in the departmental examination of the Public Service Commission for their career advancement.


The statement said that presiding over the valedictory function, Director General IMPARD Saurabh Bhagat in his valedictory address emphasized upon the importance of training for efficient and effective public service delivery.

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