Secretary agriculture review action plan under PMKSY

Secretary Agriculture Production Department (APD), Manzoor Ahmad Loneon Saturday chaired a State Level Executive Committee meeting of Sub-Mission on Agriculture Mechanization and Sub-Mission for Seeds and Planting Material to discuss the Action Plan for approval under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojna (PMKSY) here at Agriculture Complex Lalmandi.

The meeting was attended by Vice Chancellor SKUAST-J, KSRisam, Director Agriculture Kashmir Syed Altaf Aijaz Andrabi, DirectorAgriculture Jammu PS Rathore, Director Horticulture Jammu R K Katoch, DirectorHorticulture Kashmir, Aijaz Ahmad Bhat, Director Command Area DevelopmentJammu, Manmohan Singh, Director Sericulture J&K, Riyaz Ahmad, ChiefExecutive Officer IWMP, Director Research SKUAST-K, Joint Director AgricultureExtension Kashmir, Head CDAE, AD Planning, Dy. Director Floriculture (P&S)Jammu, Dy. Director Floriculture (P&S) Kashmir, Dy. Director PlanningKashmir, Dy. Director Command Area Kashmir and other concerned officers.


The Secretary while reviewing the Mission on AgricultureMechanization (SMAM) and Sub-Mission on Seeds and Planting material, stressedon the State Agriculture Universities to work in close coordination with theheads of the departments while implementing the various components for purchaseof machinery, equipment and seeds. The proposal for high-quality seed, testinglaboratories one each for SKUAST-J, SKUAST-K was included in the proposal forwhich an amount of 468.92 lakhs is earmarked.

Action Plan under PMKSY to be finalized was discussedthoroughly component-wise which includes accelerated irrigation benefitprogramme, Har Khait Mai Pani and other components. The Secretary instructedthe officers to utilize the optimal potential under irrigation resources so thatirrigation reaches to the remotest areas.

He called for covering the uncovered areas so that the aimof Har Khait Ko Pani is achieved.

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