Sensitisation programme held on ill-effects of tobacco

Srinagar, Apr 4: To aware the students about the ill effects of tobacco and worst consequences of drug addiction , an awareness based sensitisation program was organised by the Department of Chemistry, Amar Singh College here.

The event was held in collaboration with District Health Services, Srinagar on “Health Hazards of Tobacco and Implementation of Tobacco Free Institutional Guidelines”.


The programme consisted of two sessions- counselling cum guidance by the chief guest and the resource person followed by query session by the students. The chief guest of the occasion was Dr Jameel Ahmad Mir, Chief Medical Officer, Srinagar. The resource person for the programme was Dr Nasir Ahmad, Consultant District Health Services Srinagar.

Introduction to the programme was presented by Dr Imtiyaz Ahmad Wani (Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry). Welcome address was presented by Prof Tariq Ashai, Convener, Drug de-addiction and abuse committee, Amar Singh College wherein he highlighted the importance of extracurricular activities for the overall development of college students.

Keynote address was delivered by Prof. Bashir Ahmad Rather, Principal Amar Singh College Srinagar wherein he discussed about the various upcoming government schemes and initiatives taken against the growing drug menace among the college students. The resource person delivered an extensive presentation on the said theme and briefed the participants about the various toxic ingredients present in tobacco and their health hazards on human beings.

This was followed by an interactive session between the experts and the college students of various semesters. During the interactive session, queries of various students came to light and were satisfactorily addresses by the experts. Prof. Hilal Ahmad Bhat (Asstt Professor, Department of Chemistry) presented vote of thanks.

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