Serving people is BJP’s core political ideology: Rana

Nagrota: Asserting that serving the people would always remain core of his political philosophy, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Devender Singh Rana Wednesday said that every effort would be made to seek fulfillment of their urges and aspirations, irrespective of region or religion, caste or ethnicity.

A statement of BJP issued here said that inaugurating a business venture here, Rana said that the era of subjugating or dominating a particular region or sub-region at the cost of appeasement of the other one was over.


“The despondency of the past has to be transformed into hope of creating an enabling atmosphere for equitable opportunities in development, jobs, economic emancipation and above all the process of decision making to all, which is the essence of democracy,” he said.

Rana said that the Jammu region was looking for a better tomorrow with discrimination and deprivation becoming a nightmare of the past.

“Jammu is not craving for any special treatment but it has all along been striving for getting its due, which has all along been denied to the people, irrespective of caste, creed, or religion,” he said.

Rana said that Jammu wants a fair deal and just treatment to both the regions of J&K and all their sub-regions.

He said that he had been vouching for the cause of Jammu because the region continued to suffer on all fronts due to myopic political and other considerations.

Rana said that since enough was enough, it was time for a bold decision to seek course correction in the process of governance at a larger platform to ensure justice for all, especially the suppressed Jammu region.

He said an empowered Jammu was imperative for an inclusive J&K and expressed hope that the civil society, socio-religious organisation, and intelligentsia could make a huge difference by coming together for the political empowerment of the region.

“This was the guiding force to unveil the ‘Jammu Declaration’ to pursue the cause of the region and to safeguard its interests,” Rana said.

He expressed hope that the coming generations would have a level playing field in respect of opportunities in governance besides resources and nobody should nurture a feeling, even remotely, of deprivation, exploitation, or discrimination.

“History will judge us by our actions and not just by assertions,” Rana said and reiterated his commitment to work for satiating the urges and aspirations of the people with the mantra that all regions and sub-regions, with diverse populations, should get the opportunity to grow equitably.

He said serving the people forms the core of the BJP political philosophy and taking this mission forward was the primary responsibility of every worker.

“Taking everybody along in the odyssey of progress and development aligns with the cherished agenda of Prime Minister Narendra Modi,” Rana said and exuded confidence that the people would get redress of their concerns under the BJP dispensation and J&K would become a growth story of the nation.

He said that the day was not far when this part of the country would attain its pristine glory with the successful implementation of the initiatives rolled out by the Centre.

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