Sheikhpora residents demand scenic land developed into public park

Residents of Sheikpora in Budgam district demand a patch of government land in the locality be converted into a public park in order for it to be saved from encroachment.

The residents say the piece of land on a scenic hillock is currently under revenue department and that they have been requesting the administration to transfer it to floriculture department for public use.


“We went to floriculture department where they said that unless the land is transferred to them by the competent authority they cannot develop it into a public park,” said Mehraj-ud-din, a resident of Sheikhpora.

“Over the decades the land has been encroached up on and if the administration did not wake up to it we will lose what can be an asset for our community for generations to come.”

The Sheikhpora residents also say that the floriculture department has approached authorities several times “but nothing has been done in this regard”.

Greater Kashmir saw several letters written by the department of floriculture requesting authorities to transfer the land to them for developing it into a public park.

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