Steady increase in Covid cases a cause of concern: Experts

Srinagar: Amid the threat of possible third wave, the steady increase in the Covid-19 cases in Kashmir has become a ‘cause of concern’.

For the third day in a row Kashmir division reported over 100 Covid-19 infection cases.


On Friday Kashmir reported 122, on Saturday 137 and on Sunday 169 fresh Covid cases.

According to experts the Covid-appropriate behavior has almost gone for a toss. “Be it holding of public events, rush at picnic spots, large gatherings at marriage functions, use of masks, or social distancing, everything seems to be ignored by the people,” experts said.

A senior health department official said: “The LG administration is closely monitoring the situation as in the past few days the Covid19 cases in Kashmir are witnessing an upsurge. Analysis of data for the last couple of days has shown that around 80 percent of the daily cases in J&K are being reported from Kashmir division alone.”

J&K in the last three days has reported over 400 cases. With it the total active cases have also shown an upward trend. On Sunday, the active cases in J&K were 1276, of which 939 were in Kashmir and 337 in Jammu division.

Earlier, Lieutenant Governor, Manoj Sinha had also urged people to follow SOPs as the “Covid-19 threat is not over yet.”

Meanwhile doctors have also cautioned against complacency by saying that Covid is still around.

Senior critical-care expert, Dr. Showkat Shah said: “It’s really unfortunate that people are still taking Covid lightly. Covid appropriate behaviour is going for a toss, hardly one sees a person with a mask on. “Covid is still there, it can re-emerge if we won’t follow all guidelines. We have seen how it wreaks havoc with the lives as well as economy.”

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