Stocks depleting in Ladakh, partial reopening of highway ordered

The UT of Ladakh has ordered partial reopening of Zojila Pass on Srinagar-Leh highway to replenish essential supplies in the region. Official sources told Greater Kashmir that the Divisional Administration Ladakh in view of the shortage of the essential commodities in the region has decided to partially reopen the Zojila Pass, Srinagar-Leh highway, the only road linking the region with the J&K, from 11 April, Saturday.

They said that in this regard the Divisional Administrationhas issued an order to Deputy Commissioners of Kargil and Ganderbal, besidespolice and traffic authorities.


The Divisional Administration has also framed a standardoperating procedure (SOP) for movement of trucks and tankers carrying essentialcommodities.

“With a view to replenish essential supplies in Ladakh,the trucks and the tankers carrying essential commodities will be allowed tocross through Zojila pass from 11 April, Saturday ” the order issued bythe Divisional Commissioner Ladakh.

The order reads that on 11 April, 29 Indian oil CorporationLtd tankers will be allowed towards Leh, while as on 13 April, five trucks eachof Leh and Kargil carrying vegetables, food items, etc. will be allowed and on15 April, 14 HPCL trucks, 7 each of Leh and Kargil carrying LPG will beallowed.

“The trucks and tankers carrying essential commoditieswill ply in a convoy and (will be) escorted by the police and will not beallowed to halt anywhere en route,” the order reads.

Meanwhile, speaking to Greater Kashmir, DivisionalCommissioner Ladakh, Swagat Biswas said that only trucks and tankers carryingessential commodities will be allowed to cross through Zojila Pass. “It hasbeen decided in view of the depleting stock of essential commodities in Ladakhregion,” he said.

He said that the trucks and tankers will ply under strictguidelines and a set protocol and no other movement to be allowed on the road.

Chairman and Chief Executive Councillor LAHDC Kargil FerozAhmed Khan along with the

Meanwhile, Deputy Commissioner Kargil Baseer ul haqChaudhary visited Zojila Paas ahead of the reopening of road.

The Ladakh administration has already ordered establishingof a screening post at Minamarg for drivers and other supporting staff.

” Tomorrow Srinagar -Kargil road shall be opened formovement of authorised Oil Tankers only, no other vehicle shall be permittedfrom Srinagar towards Kargil and vice a versa. Even movement of pedestrians isprohibited,” SSP said, while appealing the people to cooperate.

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