Talent Hunt

The skill, talent, and intellect are things that have been distributed by God among people. None of these gifts is anybody’s monopoly. And it is not confined to any particular class of people.

We have seen brilliant minds emerging from far off places. We have seen people coming from very poor background making riches and creating a name in business at global level.


We have seen great sportspersons coming from humble backgrounds. All this tells us that talent can be found anywhere.

This is the reason that governments and institutions world over try to involve maximum participation of people through a system of competition to ensure that talented people come forward in every sphere of activity. But still some people are left out.

In fact the system of competition is riddled with some inherent faults that leaves scope for other means of identifying talent. So it is very important to undertake campaigns to find out talent for various fields of activity.

We have seen many Television programmes for past some years trying to identity talent in music and other arts. Similarly in education there are some initiatives where government and some independent institutions conduct programmes that help the hidden talent in our society to emerge.

This process has given us some wonderful products. In the field of sports, world over, such examples are inspirational. In this backdrop, the ongoing JKCA Talent Hunt trials, right now held across J&K, is a wonderful initiative. It will produce good results by giving opportunities to players from far-flung areas to prove their worth.

The authorities in JKCA should continue with this activity every year, and improve the content of their activities. What is also needed, is to improvise on the ways to identify talent.

The sporting body should also try to involve more and more youngsters in this initiative.

And when the talent is spotted, it is extremely important that it is honed, nurtured, and finally utilised fully. There are instances where the excitement associated with initial discovery of talent finally turned into a huge disappointment.

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