Trained tourist facilitators demand jobs, appeal governor

Scores of youth, who have received training for becoming tourist facilitators in 2016, held a protest demonstration at press enclave here demanding jobs.

“We had done our training under a centre governmentscheme for tourist facilitators in 2016. At that time, we were promised that wewill be provided jobs. Infact a top official of the state announced fast trackrecruitment for us. But unfortunately it is 2019, and our issue is stillpending,” said Younis wani, who was leading the delegation of the touristfacilitators trainees.


Another member of the delegation said that 1207 aspirantswere trained under the tourist facilitators’ scheme at IHM, Rajbagh. “We werepromised that instant jobs will be provided after the completion of the training.Our files are complete with all the requirements but despite that nothings isbeing done,” he said.

They appealed the Governor and his advisors to look into thematter to “save the future” of these trained facilitators.

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