Tussle between truck unions in Khrew choke cement supply, rise prices

Dispute between two truckers union in South Kashmir’s Khrew area has badly impacted Kashmir’s cement market, with many factories in the area lying idle for last over one month for want of government intervention.

The five cement factories in the area cater to bulk of the cement market in Kashmir. The closure of these units has resulted in sharp decrease in the supply as a result of which prices have shot up by Rs 40 to 50 per bag.


As per cement factory owners for last two weeks the inter-village tussle in Khrew over the issue of truckers’ union has become a serious cause of concern for them. They said the failure of district authorities to take action against the villagers responsible for this mess has resulted in stopping supplies to the market as the production has reduced to zero.

As per district officials, the tussle has once again started after truckers from Halqa Nagandar, amalgam of a few villages, wanted a separate Alkhudam Union. But the existing union, Zaffron Truck Union is refusing the truckers to allow another union to operate in the area.

“Supplies have dried as the cement factories are failing to provide us cement. Due to which there is shortage in the market which has shot up cement prices,” said Irshad Ahmad, a Cement retailer.

He said “It is beginning of their work season and if the strike continues the price of cement may go above Rs 600 a bag which is burden for the customers,” he said.

Deputy Commissioner, Pulwama, Ghulam Mohammad Dar said, “They are working to resolve this issue. Last year also there was problem, we are working to resolve it soon.”

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