Unscheduled Power Cuts

As the winter comes to an end in Kashmir and the sun warms up the environs, the supply of electricity improves.

This is something that the people in Kashmir have internalised. We know that the water level in the rivers is low during winters resulting in less generation of power.


On the other side, the demand for electricity goes up.

The net impact is that there is a yawning gap between supply and demand, hence long power cuts. But the scenario improves as the temperature rises, and the level of water in the rivers goes up.

This year also it was the same, and we had improved power supply from March onwards. But surprisingly, from past some days, though we are in the middle of the month of April, there are frequent power cuts.

What is especially irksome is that the electricity goes off at the time of Sehri, the midnight meal during the month of fasting.

For past some days there is somewhat disturbed power supply. One fails to understand why at a time when the ocncerned department should have made special arrangements for undisturbed power supply, we are facing frequent power cuts.

This is really disturbing, and is causing trouble to people. The concerned department needs to seriously look into this disturbance in the supply of electricity, and fix the problems.

In this month, the usual refrain of the governments is that extra efforts are made to make the lives of people easier. Different department take special measures to provide different services.

Since it is a special time for the people in terms of the changed schedule of day and night, it is to be taken special care of. This time people need an uninterrupted power supply, especially at Iftar and Sehri.

The rise in the demand of electricity in north Indian areas, given the unprecedented spike in temperatures, does warrant an enhanced supply of power to these areas.

One would never want people anywhere to suffer in any manner, but why should one population be made to suffer for the other.

There should be enough electricity for all the people, and none should be made to face any difficulties on this count.

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