US diplomats call on PDP leader Ved Mahajan in Jammu

US diplomats Saturday called on senior People’s Democratic Party (PDP) leader Ved Mahajan here and discussed threadbare “the issues pertaining to Jammu and Kashmir at large”.

Mahajan appraised the diplomats of the efforts “the PDP hastaken to get the state out of the present uncertainty and resolve the decades oldissue amicably,” a statement here said.


According to the statement, Mahajan told the diplomats thatthe PDP was seeking resolution of problems through democratic process.

He said the agenda of the PDP included opening of roadsacross the LOC, safeguarding special status of Jammu and Kashmir, fulfilment ofconstitutional commitments made to J&K, utilisation of state’s waterresources for the benefit of the state, establishment of joint council betweenJammu and Kashmir and Pak administered Kashmir so that matters pertaining totrade, tourism, commerce, natural disasters, global warming are jointly takencare of.

Mahajan said both India and Pakistan should “leave theirego” for the betterment of the “largest human mass residing in South Asia”. Hesaid the peace can be achieved “by addressing the aspirations of the people ofJammu and Kashmir and also while safeguarding the integrity of both thecountries.”

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