Women Safety Squads

There are some fundamental parameters for a society to qualify as civilised, decent, mature, and flourishing. One such parameter is women safety.

Any society where women are safe, and live with dignity and grace, is considered as enlightened.


By and large, Kashmiri society is women friendly society. Contrary to some sweeping perception, women in our society are respected, and there is always a sense of modesty and responsibility that determines our behaviour towards women.

Traditionally, a women in a Kashmiri society is looked at through the prism of family. That is why respecting women is integral to the mind of an average Kashmiri. But of late some ugly and disturbing trends are coming to fore.

As the institution of family comes under stress because of various factors, the traditional ways of relating to womenfolk is also undergoing change. What makes these changes dangerous is that we have no institutional intervention to create alternative spaces, and structures, that ensure women safety.

That is why we see many cases of violence against women in public spaces. The recent case of acid attack, though very rare and uncommon, is also indicative of a menacing shift in our attitudes.

Keeping an eye on these dangerous and disturbing shifts, it is important that extra care in taken to safeguard our women, protect their rights, and ensure that no harm is done to them. In this background if Women Safety Squads are being put in place it is the requirement of times.

If the concerned authorities say that “this will bring down crime against women and prevent crimes like the recent acid attack by acting as a deterrent,” they have a point. It is important that the detail of such initiative is enriched, and it is ensured that the intended targets of such actions are met.

There is a need to involve more stakeholders in this initiative, so that it really becomes an effective way to counter crimes against women. This initiative, if conducted in a manner that ensures societal participation, can enhance sense of safety among women, and also act as a strong deterrent against evil elements.

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