Yaks Cross LoC | Gurez villagers appeal PM to take up issue with Pakistan

Srinagar, July 31: The residents of village Badu-Aab Tulail Gurez Saturday appealed Prime Minister Narendra Modi to intervene and take up the matter of retrieval of their yaks with Pakistan.

The villagers said that their hamlet lies in close proximity to the Line of Control (LoC) bordering Tulail and their sole source of livelihood was agriculture and cattle rearing.


The animal most reared by the villagers is ‘Zomba’, the local yaks.

“On 29 July 2021, a heard of 29 Zombas that were grazing in the meadows and pastures inadvertently crossed over to the other side of the LoC,” the villagers said.

They said each Zomba costs around Rs 70,000 and that they being peasants cannot recover from such a loss.

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