All above 45 get first Covid jab in South Kashmir

Anantnag: Within around four months of opening up of Covid-19 vaccination for all above 45, the entire population in this age group has received its first dose in South Kashmir. The region comprises four districts-Anantnag, Kulgam, Pulwama and Shopian.

Earlier, Shopian was the only district where all the people above 45 had received the first dose of Covishield. But now the other three districts have also achieved the target. Anantnag and Kulgam attained this distinction today.


Pulwama has 1.5 lakh population, which falls in the age group of 45 and above. “The entire population of above 45 has received the first dose of Covishield,” Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Pulwama Dr Tehmeena told Greater Kashmir.

She said that hundred percent of health workers and front-line workers were also vaccinated.

On the other hand, Kulgam district has 1 lakh population which is above 45.

“Here, we achieved the target to give first jab to all those above 45 today,” Chief Medical Officer Kulgam Dr Rafiq Dhobi told Greater Kashmir. He said nearly 100 percent of health workers and front-line workers were also vaccinated in the district.

“The second dose for the above 45 age group is on,” the CMO said. Anantnag, which is the largest district in South Kashmir with 2.43 lakh population of above 45, also achieved the milestone today.

“The entire population of above 45 in the district has now taken the Covishield’s first jab,” Deputy Chief Medical Officer Anantnag, Dr MY Zagoo told Greater Kashmir.

He said nearly 100 percent health and front-line workers were vaccinated and the majority of them had received their both jabs.

Shopian district has a population of 60,000 that is 45 and above and all of them have got vaccinated.

“We achieved the target on May 26 only,” Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Shopian, Dr. Arshad Tak said.

He said 100 percent of health workers and front-line workers were also fully vaccinated.

The vaccination drive in Jammu and Kashmir for the above 60 age group, health and front-line workers began in mid-March and was extended to 45 plus population from April 1. From June, the vaccines are now available for the 18 plus population.

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