Police arrest 4 drug peddlers

Srinagar: Police have arrested four drug peddlers in Budgam and Baramulla and recovered contraband substance from their possession.

According to a press mote, a police party of Police Station Budgam at a checkpoint established at Sebdan intercepted a suspicious person carrying a bag .He tried to flee from the spot but wasdetained. During checking, 2.5 kgs of poppy straw concealed in the bag and during his personal search, one stick of apparently charas weighing 28 grams, enveloped in maize cob leaf was recovered from his possession. He has been identified as Shafat Ahmad Mir son of Bashir Ahmad Mir resident of Galwanpora -Budgam. He was arrested and shifted to police station .


Meanwhile in Baramulla, a police party at a checkpoint established at Hospital Crossing Tangmarg arrested a drug peddler identified as Showkat Ahmad Shah resident of Batpora- Kunzer. During checking, 40 grams of charas was recovered from his possession. He has been shifted to police station where he remains in custody.

Similarly, a police party at a checkpoint established at Chennad- Baramulla arrested a drug peddler identified as Owais Ahmad Sheikh son of Nazir Ahmad Sheikh resident of Sangrama, Baramulla.

During checking, five grams of brown sugar and   cash amount of Rs 10,500  (believed to be proceeds of narcotic crime) was recovered from his possession. He has been shifted to police station.

Moreover, a police party of Police Station Baramulla at a checkpoint established at Azadgunj intercepted a suspicious person who tried to flee from the spot but was apprehend tactfully. He has been identified as Saman Ashraf Parray son of Mohd Ashraf Parray resident of Binner Baramulla. During search, 192 capsules of SpasmoProxyvon and heroine like substance was recovered from his possession. He has been shifted to police station where he remains in custody.

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