SKUAST-K kickstarts 2 skill trainings for rural youth in Pulwama

Srinagar, Dec 5: Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir Tuesday commenced two skill development training programmes at its extension training centre in Malangpora, Pulwama.

A statement said that the seven-day training is organised by Krishi Vigyan Kendra in association and sponsorship of SAMETI Jammu and Kashmir and MANAGE Hyderabad.


The training programs, ‘Quality Planting Material Production of Temperate Fruit Crops for Livelihood Upliftment of Rural Youth’ and ‘Livelihood Upliftment by Scientific Cultivation and Efficient Utilisation of Fodder Species’ with an aim to impart skill-based learning experience to the rural unemployed youth who are willing to take up entrepreneurship or self-employment in these sectors as a carrier option. Each training was attended by more than 30 participants.

Dr JA Baba, the training coordinator of one of the programs welcomed the participants and briefed them about the objectives of the program. Dr Gowher Nabi, training coordinator of the second training program sensitised the participants about the scope of cultivating fodder trees and the role it plays in mitigating fodder scarcity, particularly in the winter season.

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