Winter’s Chill, Football’s Thrill: Young athletes brave the cold to kick off passion

Srinagar, Jan 21: As winter’s icy grip tightens over Srinagar, a heartening scene unfolds at the TRC ground, where young football enthusiasts defy the bitter cold to pursue their passion.

Undeterred by freezing temperatures, children, bundled up in warm quilted attire, eagerly gather at the Football School.


Accompanied by supportive parents, these budding football stars, aged between 3 and 15, showcase their unwavering commitment to the sport. Brimming with enthusiasm, their determination not only transcends the freezing temperatures but also serves as a testament to their love for the beautiful game.

The Football School, organised by the J&K Sports Council, has emerged as a hub for nurturing young talent, with over 300 children actively participating in the programme.

Under the guidance of dedicated trainers, the budding footballers undergo rigorous training sessions, honing their skills and fostering a sense of camaraderie on the field.

“We aim to catch them young,” asserted the Incharge and Coach of the Football School as he meticulously scouted his students, imparting the nuances of football to the budding players.

“First and foremost, this initiative is designed to keep the young generation physically active and draw them out of the digital realm – a formidable challenge in today’s age. However, it’s heartening to see parents actively accompanying their young ones to the grounds, recognising the invaluable discipline that sports can instil in them.”

Amidst guiding his students through intricate drills, Ishfaq, the dedicated coach, received affirmations from parents like Muhammad Isaq, who was there with his 6-year-old daughter.

Isaq emphasised, “It is more important for parents to pull their children out of this digital world and impart the invaluable lessons of physical sports. The camaraderie and discipline learned on the field go beyond what any digital interface can provide, shaping resilient and well-rounded individuals.”

Ishfaq, a former footballer and internationally acclaimed coach, firmly believes that football serves as an antidote to the menace of drugs and various other societal evils affecting the younger generation. Shedding light on the Football School’s program, he highlighted the comprehensive coaching regime conducted in both morning and evening shifts.

“We have a significant number of kids in our program, and we maintain a comprehensive database. During our coaching sessions, we actively scout for talent, and those showing promising potential receive the necessary encouragement to participate in club-level competitions, represent J&K, and even make it to the national stage,” Ishfaq explained.

Over the past seven years, the Football School’s grooming efforts have borne fruit, with eight players nurtured within its ranks having gone on to participate in junior international matches.

Secretary, J&K Sports Council, Nuzhat Gul, emphasised the council’s commitment to nurturing young talent aspiring to become future football stars. Gul outlined the strategic approach of the J&K Sports Council, which involves honing the skills of youngsters through consistent practice, facilitating their integration into local teams, and providing opportunities for them to participate in various competitions, thereby showcasing their burgeoning talent.

“Through regular practice, we are instilling in these youngsters the values of dedication and hard work, which are pivotal for success in sports. The emphasis is not only on skill development but also on fostering a strong work ethic that will serve them well in their sporting endeavours,” said Gul.

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