RAU’s IAS: A beacon of success for J&K UPSC aspirants

Srinagar, May 03: RAU’s IAS study circle, a renowned platform for UPSC aspirants, has been instrumental in guiding and mentoring candidates, leading to remarkable success stories in the UPSC civil services exams.

The academy’s interview guidance programme has proven highly fruitful, attracting not only aspirants from various states but also successful candidates from J&K as well.


Anmol Rathore, securing All India Rank (AIR) seven, and Manan Bhat, securing AIR-88, lauded the academy’s mock interview sessions for their valuable insights. “I took guidance from RAU’s IAS study center, and it was really helpful for me,” Manan Bhat said.

The RAU’s influence extends beyond J&K, with candidates like Harnit Singh Sudan (AIR 177), Suvan Sharma (AIR 412), and Bhamare Sagar Sanjay (AIR 523) benefiting from its mock interviews and guidance programmes.

This consistent success is not new. Candidates from J&K have been seeking guidance from RAU’s IAS for several years.

Established in 1953, RAU’s IAS has earned a reputation as one of the top institutes, providing comprehensive knowledge and coaching.

The CEO of RAU’s, Abhishek Gupta highlighted the significant representation of J&K candidates in recent UPSC exams, with 16 selections from the region in 2022 and 11 in 2023. Many J&K candidates have consistently ranked within the top 10 and top 100, showcasing their commitment and excellence.

Gupta attributed this success to various factors, including the unique socio-political environment of J&K, fostering resilience and determination among its youth. Mentorship plays a crucial role, with successful candidates from previous years mentoring new aspirants, creating a supportive ecosystem.

He said that advancements in educational technology and internet access have also democratised access to quality guidance, benefiting aspirants preparing for the exam.

The CEO emphasised that J&K’s candidates’ achievements reflect a trend of enduring perseverance, community support, and improved educational infrastructure, leading to a growing number of success stories in the UPSC exams.

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